**This page is solely for the use of approved Heckerling Institute Sponsors and Exhibitors.
Please do not share the link to this page. You may access the Institute website through the navigation on this page**
Sponsor & Exhibitor Application Packet
The application packet contains the following forms:
Sponsor & Exhibitor Application - Due October 7, 2022
Sponsor & Exhibitor Regulations
Email List Rental Use Agreement - Due October 14, 2022
Function Space Request - Due October 14, 2022
Exhibit Booth Representatives Form - Due December 5, 2022
Sponsor and Exhibitor Designated Attendee Registration Form - Due November 11, 2022
All applicable forms MUST be returned to Jennifer Huffman at HeckerlingES@law.miami.edu.
Submitting Payment
Advance payment is required and credit card payments may be made through the website below:
University of Miami Secure Payment Website
Checks are payable to the University of Miami School of Law and MUST be mailed to:
Heckerling Institute
Attn: Jennifer Huffman
University of Miami School of Law
1311 Miller Drive, Room C-423
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Sponsor & Exhibitor Individual Forms
(These forms may also be found in your Sponsor & Exhibitor Application Packet.)
Sponsor & Exhibitor Application
Completion of this form does not guarantee exhibit space. Booth space and location will be assigned based upon sponsorship and exhibitor level. Booth assignments are made at the discretion of the Institute. Confirmation will not be given without full payment. Sponsor or Exhibitor agrees to the terms and conditions of the Sponsor & Exhibitor Regulations contained in the application packet including the Health & Safety Attestation.
Sponsor & Exhibitor Application - Due October 7, 2022
Email List Rental Use Agreement
The Email Address List may be used for a one-time, pre-Institute email. It may not be duplicated or used for any other purpose. The Email Address List will be distributed at the beginning of December in order to maximize the number of attendee names included on the List. The List will be provided only after we have received payment and a signed Email Address List Rental Use Agreement form. Violation or misuse of the Email Address List may result in immediate dismissal from the current Institute and/or future Institutes, as well as other disciplinary or legal action.
Email List Rental Use Agreement Form - Due October 14, 2022
Function Space Request
Approved sponsors and exhibitors must complete the Function Space Request form. Please include specific information about the nature of the event, day and time, number of expected attendees, and whether the function will have a speaker or programming. The request must include a detailed description of the content of any programming. Programming and presentations may only provide information related to the sponsor's/exhibitor's products or services. General educational programming on substantive topics will not be approved. Functions may not take place during Institute programming hours.
Function Space Request Form - Due October 14, 2022
Exhibit Booth Representatives
Four exhibit hall name badges are included with each booth for use by booth representatives. Each additional booth includes two booth representatives. Platinum sponsors receive six included booth representative badges. Diamond sponsors receive ten included booth representative badges. Additional badges for booth representatives may be purchased for $250 per person. Booth representatives are not permitted to attend educational programming or receive continuing education credit.
Exhibit Booth Representatives Form - Due December 5, 2022
Sponsor and Exhibitor Designated Attendee Registration
All designated sponsor and exhibitor complimentary conference registrations must use the Sponsor and Exhibitor Designated Attendee Registration Form. Do not use online registration. All complimentary registrations must be received by November 11, 2022 to be included in the Registration List. Designated attendees may attend educational sessions and are eligible for continuing education credit.
Sponsor and Exhibitor Designated Attendee Registration Form - Due November 11, 2022
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
We have a variety of sponsorship, promotional, and networking opportunities available to maximize your company’s presence at the Institute. Please review the Sponsorship Prospectus which outlines the many benefits our sponsors receive, and the A La Carte Opportunities which include unique ways to market your organization.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Huffman.
Jennifer Huffman, Assistant Director
T: 305-284-3179 | F: 305-284-6752 | E: HeckerlingES@law.miami.edu
The Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning
University of Miami School of Law
1311 Miller Drive, C-423, Coral Gables, FL 33146