Continuing Education

The Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning is the nation's leading conference for estate planners. Continuing legal education credit will be applied for in every state that has mandatory continuing legal education requirements and has been routinely granted for past Institutes. In the past, continuing education credit has also been available for other estate planning professionals, including trust officers, accountants, trust officers, accountants, charitable giving professionals, elder law specialists, wealth management professionals, and nonprofit advisors. We urge you to contact our office in advance with questions regarding the availability of credit for a specific jurisdiction or profession, as we cannot guarantee that credit will be available in all cases.

Please Note: For registrants attending the virtual Institute, continuing education credit will only be available for sessions attended in real-time. Attendees will be required to confirm their real-time participation in the sessions by responding to polling questions.

All registrants must complete a Proof of Attendance Form by January 24, 2025 to  request continuing education credit.  Many accrediting agencies have imposed mandatory cut-off dates for reporting credits. Attendees who submit forms after January 24, 2025 may be subject to additional fees or may be denied credits by the accrediting agency.  This form may only be submitted one time.  Please submit form after the final session.

Click here for information on Ethics credit

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The Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning is the nation's leading conference for estate planners. Continuing legal education credit will be applied for in every state that has mandatory continuing legal education requirements and has been routinely granted for past Institutes. In the past, continuing education credit has also been available for other estate planning professionals, including trust officers, accountants, charitable giving professionals, elder law specialists, wealth management professionals, and nonprofit advisors.

Please be aware that every state has its own rules and regulations regarding accreditation. We urge you to contact our office in advance with questions regarding the availability of credit for a specific jurisdiction or profession, as we cannot guarantee that credit will be available in all cases.

Continuing education credit will be awarded only for sessions attended live in-person or virtually in real-time. Registrants attending the virtual Institute will be required to confirm their real-time participation in the sessions by responding to polling questions.

Maximum Available Course Hours
28.00 Hours States that use 50-minute hour
23.50 Hours States that use 60-minute hour

The University of Miami School of Law is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Amount of Recommended CPE credit: 28.00 hours

Program Level:  Advanced

Program Prerequisites:  Comprehensive knowledge of estate planning principles

Advance Preparation: None

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to identify, analyze and resolve practical estate planning, administration and tax reporting issues.

Delivery Method:

Group-Live: In order to be awarded continuing education credit, attendees must be present and comply with the NASBA attendance monitoring requirement by signing-in and signing-out of each session attended on the attendance sheets located in each classroom. 

Group Internet Based: In order to be awarded continuing education credit, attendees must comply with the NASBA attendance monitoring requirement by responding to three polling questions per CPE credit or 84 questions for the entire conference.

Recommended Field of Study:
Behavioral Ethics2.0
Business Management & Organization2.5
Regulatory Ethics  1.5
Specialized Knowledge – 1.5
Taxes 23.5  

 Please click here for the Breakdown of Sessions and Fields of Study

Continuing education credit will be available for estate planning professionals, including financial planners, IRS enrolled agents, banking professionals, elder law specialists, wealth management professionals, and nonprofit advisors.

Continuing education credit will be granted only for sessions attended live in-person or virtually in real-time. For registrants attending the virtual Institute, attendees will be required to confirm their real-time participation in the sessions by responding to polling questions.

 Please click here for CFP approved sessions.

Continuing education credit will be available for estate planning professionals, including financial planners, IRS enrolled agents, banking professionals, elder law specialists, wealth management professionals, and nonprofit advisors.

Continuing education credit will be granted only for sessions attended live in-person or virtually in real-time. For registrants attending the virtual Institute, attendees will be required to confirm their real-time participation in the sessions by responding to polling questions

Continuing education credit will be available for estate planning professionals including trust officers, banking professionals, charitable giving professionals, elder law specialists, wealth management professionals, and nonprofit advisors.

Continuing education credit will be granted only for sessions attended live in-person or virtually in real-time. For registrants attending the virtual Institute, attendees will be required to confirm their real-time participation in the sessions by responding to polling questions.

We urge you to contact our office in advance with questions regarding the availability of credit for a specific jurisdiction or profession, as we cannot guarantee that credit will be available in all cases.

Please click here for other approved professions.

The following sessions may be approved for ethics and diversity credit.  Ethics credit for these sessions may not be available in all instances. Please refer to the ethics accreditation information for your specific jurisdiction and profession.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025  4:05 – 4:55p.m.
Planning to Meet One’s Maker:  The Intersection of Religious Beliefs and Estate Planning

Lauren J. Wolven • Tanya D. Marsh • Stacy E. Singer
The major religions of the world generally are divided into 18 main religious traditions.  Within each of those traditions are multiple sects that hold different beliefs and engage in differing practices.  This session will dive into the ethics topic of cultural competence and its impact on the estate planning process, with a focus on topics of sensitivity, inheritance rules, and burial practices.

Thursday, January 16, 2025  10:25 – 11:15a.m.
There’s a Monster Under My Bed:  Story Time with Ethics

Lauren J. Wolven
Learning from the mistakes of those that have gone before us is helpful but can also be fun. Never underestimate the creative abilities of an attorney stuck between a rock and a hard place. This session will examine recent ethics cases to highlight places where attorneys can be more careful not to get caught in an ethics quagmire.

Thursday, January 16, 2025 Special Session IV-B (3:50 – 5:20p.m.)

It’s Late but Not Too Late to Get Your [CT]Act Together: Trusts, Family Offices, Private Trust Companies and the Corporate Transparency Act

Jocelyn Margolin Borowsky • Elizabeth King • Benetta Y. Park
Although the major CTA filing deadline is January 1, 2025, CTA compliance obligations still remain and questions abound.  This session focuses on CTA matters that concern trusts and trustees. The panelists will bring you up to date on the latest guidance on who is a “beneficial owner” through a trust where a trust owns an interest in a reporting company, whether any exemptions are available, whether trustees have a reporting obligation, how the CTA impacts private trust companies, and what conflicts or other ethical issues might arise.
